Sunday, May 17, 2009

Roscoe's Rant, #1

         Someday the age we live in now will be looked back upon and considered comically primitive. Consider, for example, the endless wiring we need to give life to the various electrical devices we use every day. Trillions of miles of snaking, or coiling, or tautly stretched eyesores that appear increasingly more paleolithic by the hour. Juicing your landlines, cable TVs, blenders, vacuums, feeble-battery-supplied laptops, etc.  All that wire will look as era-specific as the Roman aqueducts one day. An extensive network of an earlier solution, effective in its time, but ultimately fragile and freakish.
        And, on a more personal note, how about those dopey pickup trucks with steroid tires suddenly looming up behind you on the freeway? We need to investigate the childhoods of these people. Something went seriously wrong in the formative phase, I suspect. It appears to be a self-esteem issue. Perhaps Obama can help... I'm just saying, that's all... 


  1. Yes, perhaps Obama can help. Good idea. Gotta give those truck owners bailout money!

  2. I was coming back from Yosemite one summer and saw one of those things flipped over, big accident. I don't what happened to the person in it, but those tires are really huge! Yep, well that's my two cents.
