Saturday, May 23, 2009

Dear Cosmos: Snapshots of My Heroic Life in the Glorious City of Angels At This Very Damn Moment As I Navigate My Wondrous Way Through Time...

Saturday, May 23rd, 2009:
3:15 am--I woke up because I had to pee. Looked at my small, black, plastic Timex alarm clock and confirmed that it was, indeed, 3:15 am. Thought to myself  "I should pee..."

6:06 am--Opened my eyes and looked at alarm clock. Recalled peeing sometime in the night. Heard vehicle's brakes screeching on Glendale Boulevard. Wondered if I'd ever get the cash to buy a 2010 Prius with the big screen on the dash. Flashed on driving across the country for four or five dollars and laughing at Big Oil the whole way. 

9:00 am-ish--Read LA Times sports page and got depressed about Lakers. Denver blows. What kind of name is "Nuggets"? Sounds like some sullen pony that gives rides to little kids in Griffith Park. It would sell out its own mother for a good-sized carrot.


  1. LOL, Roscoe you must have still been sleeping and dreaming at 6:06 a.m. when you thought you could drive a Prius across the country on only $4-$5. It would be more like $140 for the 1-way trip to go to the other coast.

    Yeah, what kind of name IS Nuggets, right? I think of 2 things when people say "Nuggets": little people (I can never remember which one is more widely accepted - dwarves or midgets?) and chicken McNuggets...mmmmmm...yum. Remeber when we used to be able to get 6 of those for under $1? Those were the good ol' days.

  2. I'm a sound sleeper myself. Rofucius- I believe the PC word is little people. I haven't heard dwarf or midgets in a long time.
