Saturday, June 6, 2009

"Lost Our Lease--Everything Must Go-Make An Offer!"

The sad news is that we're going out of business. The good news is that we're going out of business. Come Thursday, June 11th, the combined forces of necessity and interest will abandon the premises, leaving nothing but scuff marks on the uneven gray-painted wood-strip floor and the feint, familiar odor of disappointment. 

It's the market is what it is, and you've just got to deal with it. Do I have other things going on? Of course. I've been dusting off that dream in Eb minor. It feels right. It feels good. I think there's a way to move on it if I stick my neck out just a bit more. If I actually risk everything there is to risk what's the worst that could happen, hah? What, I'll lose the business? I'll fall down? They'll take my passport away?  Please. 

Oh, here's what I learned this time: don't accept fantasies from the unimaginative; it takes more than a badge to make a sheriff; and in the end the house always wins. Always.